A Security Guard Guide to Bag Inspections in Houston - Professional Guard & Patrol, INC

A Security Guard Guide to Bag Inspections in Houston

Houston security guards can provide a variety of different services and they need to be professionally trained and knowledgeable. That’s why our PGP Security team has prepared this quick bag inspection checklist of the most important things to remember.

Four Things to Remember When Conducting Security Bag Checks

  • Don’t Only Focus on the Bag

Yes, we know that the most important job when conducting bad checks is to thoroughly inspect them, but there is also so much more to be aware of. By being aware of your surroundings and the line of people, you may be able to spot early warning signs and strange behaviors. You may notice someone acting extremely nervous or fidgety, or someone who won’t make eye contact and doesn’t seem engaged. These are the types of situations where you want to carefully inspect their bags, and not just “go through the motions” of a security check.

  • Never Inspect a Bag Alone

Always be certain that the owner of the bag is present when you are inspecting it. There are many reasons for this, but one of the biggest is that they can accuse you of meddling with their belongings and bag. Another problem that can arise if you turn away or lose track of the owner is that if something illegal is found, they may try to run away or have already fled.

So always remember to be aware of the owner and check their bags in clear sight so no problems or issues arise.

  • Take Your Time & Be Thorough

Bag checks can take a long time (in some cases) and people in bag check lines are more often than not in a rush and will be impatient. Remember, your number one job is their safety, so never feel pressured to try to move quicker based on impatient individuals. After all, rushing a bag inspection can lead to much graver issues and security threats.

  • Remember About Your Safety

As a security guard doing bad checks, it can sometimes be easy to forget about your own safety. Such objects as knives, needles and other things can potentially be inside bags. In extreme cases, firearms and explosives might even be in a bag. Always keep a close eye and be extra careful when checking through a bag. If a bag is extremely full, take out items so you can inspect the rest of the bag – better safe than sorry.

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