What to Know About Hospital Security and Safety

What to Know About Hospital Security and Safety

Hospitals are vital institutions committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of patients, staff, and visitors. With constant activity and varying needs, security and safety measures are critical to maintaining a secure environment. Here, PGP discusses the key aspects of hospital security and safety and offers insights into how hospitals safeguard individuals and resources.

Comprehensive Security Measures

Surveillance and Access Control

Hospitals use advanced security measures to maintain safety. These include:

  • CCTV Cameras: Continuous monitoring of hospital premises to deter and detect security breaches.
  • Electronic Access Control Systems: Regulating entry to restricted areas to ensure only authorized personnel have access.
  • Duress Alarms: Providing staff with immediate access to emergency assistance in case of aggressive or dangerous situations.
  • Security Personnel: Many hospitals employ trained security guards to patrol the premises, monitor activities, and enforce safety protocols. Hospital security guards have a key role in preventing physical or verbal aggression toward staff, patients, and visitors.

How Hospitals Ensure Patient Safety

Identification Checks

Patients are required to wear ID bands with essential details throughout their hospital stay. This ensures they receive the correct treatment and care. Similarly, all hospital staff undergo background and identification checks before employment and must always display their ID badges.

Medication Safety

Hospitals have strict protocols to prevent medication errors. Nurses verify patient ID bands and dosage instructions before administering medication. Patients are advised not to take any other medications, including herbal supplements, without prior approval from their medical team.

Infection Control

Hospitals implement stringent infection control measures, including:

  • Proper hand hygiene for staff, patients, and visitors.
  • Monitoring IV and wound sites to ensure cleanliness.
  • Advising unwell visitors to avoid visiting the hospital.

These measures help minimize the risk of healthcare-associated infections, such as lung, wound, or bloodstream infections.

How Visitors Can Ensure Safety

Respecting Hospital Rules

Visitors are expected to respect visiting hours and patient rest periods. Bringing certain items, such as pot plants or outside food, may be restricted in certain wards. Additionally, hospitals enforce a zero-tolerance policy for verbal or physical aggression toward staff or patients.

Personal Conduct

Distressing situations can arise in hospitals, but visitors are urged to remain courteous to staff and other individuals. Aggressive or abusive behavior may result in removal from the premises.

How to Minimize Risks During Hospital Stays

Preventing Falls

To reduce fall-related injuries, hospitals encourage patients to:

  • Keep basic items within reach.
  • Use appropriate footwear and walking aids.
  • Seek assistance when moving if unsteady.

Avoiding Pressure Injuries

For high-risk patients, hospitals implement care plans that include:

  • Regular skin inspections.
  • Using pressure-relieving devices.
  • Ensuring proper nutrition and hydration.

Electrical Appliance Safety

Hospitals may restrict the use of personal electrical appliances until they have been tested for safety. Staff can assist in arranging inspections for any necessary items.

Specialized Care for Children

Children’s wards have strict safety protocols, including limited visitor access and parental involvement in care tasks. Children must also wear ID bands to ensure they are easily identifiable.

Hire Our Hospital Security Guards at PGP Today!

Maintaining security and safety in hospitals is a complex but essential task. Professional security services, like those provided by PGP, can enhance hospital safety, protect staff and patients, and ensure a secure environment for everyone.

Contact us today to learn more about how our hospital security guards can support your facility.