Keeping your home or business safe from intruders is always a difficult prospect, particularly when it comes to balancing safety vs. price. Not everyone can afford to have dedicated security staff on-site, but at the same time, relying on alarms and cameras can seem too risky. After all, there will always be a significant delay between the crime, and the response.
If this sounds like the security situation you’re looking at, there’s an alternative that bridges those two options: mobile security patrols. When you hire a Houston patrol security company to watch over your property, you get the best of both worlds!
What A Houston Patrol Security Company Can Do for You
Mobile patrols are a great way to enhance your existing alarm/surveillance systems and add an extra layer of security but without the high costs of dedicated on-site staff.
When you hire a mobile patrol, you’ll be part of a group of properties that patrol covers during a shift. They roam between properties, doing sweeps to keep an eye out for any trouble. So, they’ll be checking up on your property several times per day/night. Plus, of course, they’ll be on-call and nearby if your alarms are ever tripped.
The patrol itself are in distinctive, highly visible vehicles. In many cases, the mere presence of the mobile patrol is enough to deter any would-be criminals. They know it’s not worth trying to tangle with actual guards! If necessary, you can also request these mobile patrols be armed – although there is a higher cost when firearms are involved.
You can also work with your Houston patrol security company to customize how the guards handle their patrols. After all, you probably don’t want highly predictable patrols – those create security holes. You can set up semi-random schedules which make it difficult for intruders to predict when mobile security will be around.
And again, even if the patrol is off-site when something happens, you will get excellent response times. They’re always nearby and capable of responding quickly.
Professional Guard & Patrol Will Protect Your Houston Property
Mobile patrols are a superior midpoint between simple alarms, and dedicated security – one which keeps your property safe, but without breaking your budget! Our security staff is highly trained, and nearly all come with existing law enforcement experience. We keep your valuable property safe!
Contact us directly to securely discuss the specifics of your security needs.