There are a lot of misconceptions floating around out there about security guards. It seems that many people have the idea that the job is only for a specific type of person, or that the job is easy and that security officers just sit around all day. Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Check out these commonly held myths about security companies near you and find out why being a security officer can be a rewarding experience for many different types of people.
Armed & Unarmed Security Guards & Services – What You Need to Know
Myth 1: Security Guards Are All Men
Perhaps one of the biggest myths of security guards is that they are all men. While it is true that the security industry is male-dominated, a recent survey by the U.S. Department of Labour found that in fact, roughly 20% of security professionals identify as women. This number is also continuing to rise as more companies realize the diversity of experience and perspective that hiring more female officers might bring to their team.
Myth 2: Security Guards are Untrained
Many people might look at a security officer role and think, ‘oh that looks easy, you don’t even need any training to just sit around and keep an eye on things.’ However, the truth is that security guards go through rigorous training and testing to ensure they can stay calm and handle a variety of emergencies. Security officers are also trained in reporting processes, using security technology, and most importantly how to handle clients and de-escalate potentially violent situations. The state of Texas has mandated training for all security officers, and each company will also have its own rigorous internal training processes as well.
Myth 3: Security Guards Should be Built and Muscular
While it can indeed come in handy to have a more intimidating physique, this doesn’t mean that without one you won’t be a good security guard. More important for effective security services is mental acuity- being aware and able to flag suspicious activity, calmly de-escalating conflict, and keeping a cool head if there’s a medical emergency. Additionally, a guard who is too intimidating can often make customers uneasy, and it’s far more important to portray a welcoming attitude than one which scares people off. All this being said, there are more important things than muscles for the security guard role.
Contact Our Private Security Company in Houston, TX, Today
If you’re looking for exceptional security guard services in the Houston area you should get in touch with us at Professional Guard and Patrol Inc. We offer a variety of services from security guards to alarm response to patrols, and our professional and highly trained staff will work with you to develop your custom security plan. Contact us today and let us help you keep your business or property as safe and secure as possible.