In past years, you could often get away with holding an event without too much security presence. Unfortunately, these are tense and uncertain times, and “incidents” are becoming far more common – even at relatively tame events where you wouldn’t normally expect violence.
If you’re planning any sort of event which will have a public presence, it’s a very good idea to contact Houston security guards about increasing your security. This can prevent a lot of problems, and ensure your event goes well.
The first – and in many ways, the best – service provided by Houston security guards is a visible presence. Simply having guards on-site, especially armed guards, will go a long way towards deterring criminals and other troublemakers from even trying to cause a problem. Even garden-variety angry jerks will typically be calmer if they know there’s a security guard watching their every move.
One reason that so many public arguments turn violent these days is that there’s no one around to de-escalate the situation. If two people start arguing, you can’t count on other guests to try to intervene. They’ll probably just pull out their phones to film the show.
Professional Houston security guards are trained in de-escalation. If they notice a situation that is starting to get out of control, they can step in and separate the participants before things get worse.
If you’re going to have a lot of people at your event, such as a sporting event, you need professionals trained in crowd control. Crowd control is a genuinely difficult skill, and your regular everyday employees aren’t likely to have the training and experience necessary to keep a crowd calm and moving properly through the venue.
VIPs at events are inherently high-profile targets, and they’re going to be vulnerable. You can protect them and help their peace of mind by providing Houston security guards who are specifically there to protect your most important visitors. That kind of proactive thinking makes friends and wins contracts, besides avoiding problems.
PGP Security is one of the top security companies in Houston, and we’re always available for short-term jobs as event security. Contact us to ensure your next event goes smoothly!