If you’re thinking about hiring security companies in Houston, we don’t blame you. These are uncertain times and, sadly, we’re seeing a lot more public violence and disruption these days. Even traditionally safe businesses are re-evaluating their security situation. So, it’s important to talk about what Houston security services can do for you.
A great security company will work with you to develop a custom security profile and set of services. However, there are some common functions that always accompany private security. These are the basics of what private security can do for you.
The most important function a private security guard can provide is deterrence. Criminals and other wrongdoers are keeping their eyes out for signs that a business is protected, and uniformed guards are one of the strongest signs. If they’re looking at your business and see that you have security on-site, they’re most likely going to look for a less-protected target instead.
Deterrence is always the best medicine when it comes to private security.
Another key aspect of private security is making it harder for wrongdoers to make it in and out of your property. They may work with you to reconfigure entrances and exits to improve your security or suggest upgrades to physical security, such as cameras or locking doors/gates/etc.
These serve a dual purpose. It’s harder for criminals to get onto your property, and harder for them to leave if they’re spotted.
Private security guards are legally authorized to detain suspects in a minimally violent manner, as well as questioning them and even searching their person and on-hand property. This makes it much easier to prevent shoplifting or to remove guns from people who may be planning violence. If necessary, this can even include your own employees, if you suspect internal theft or embezzlement.
Just be aware, security guards are not authorized to make arrests. If someone needs to be locked up, you’ll still need to call the police for that.
When you hire private security, you’ll have the option for either armed or unarmed guards. Armed guards, of course, provide an extra level of protection if you genuinely fear violence on your premises. On the other hand, they cost substantially more because they have extensive training and licensing requirements. Also, consider the reaction from your customers and guests – will the presence of guns make them feel more or less safe?
Professional Guard & Patrol can help you understand your security situation and recommend steps to keep you safer. We’ve been protecting Houston since 1985! Contact us to learn more