Avoid These Mistakes When Hiring Security Companies in Houston, TX - Professional Guard & Patrol, INC

Avoid These Mistakes When Hiring Security Companies in Houston, TX

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When you’re choosing between security companies in Houston, TX, you have a lot of options in front of you.  You need to select the security company which will be right for your business, provide effective security, and won’t cause more trouble than they prevent.

This can be difficult, given how many security companies are in the Houston area, and how many systems or services they might offer.  Fortunately, we have a few tips on what not to do when making this difficult choice.

The Four Most Common Mistakes People Make When Choosing Between Security Companies in Houston

1 – Using proprietary systems

Some security companies -and the manufacturers backing them- love to try to lock you into proprietary technology which nobody but them can fix, update, or install.  The problems this will cause should be obvious, particularly since you want a security solution which will last at least 5-10 years.

Look for vendors that utilize non-proprietary hardware and software, so you aren’t locked into relying on them for services.

2 – Not checking up on their licensing and certifications

Is the security company you’re investigating fully certified to be providing the security services they offer?  If they partner directly with manufacturers for devices such as security cameras, are they fully certified as installers and technicians?  Ask to see their paperwork and, if there’s any doubt, follow up with the relevant issuing bodies to make sure everything is above-board.

3 – Overuse of subcontractors

Before signing up with a security company, ask them directly about whether they use subcontractors and, if so, in what capacity(s).  Ideally, it is best if they use no subcontractors at all – that makes it easiest for you to pick your security service and ensures there will be no buck-passing or finger-pointing if something goes wrong.

Failing that, you’ll want to check up on the background and history of their subcontractors as well, to keep yourself protected.

4 – Not getting a service and maintenance agreement

Will your Houston security company stand by the work they’ve done?  Be certain to get a robust service and maintenance agreement, preferably one with contractually-guaranteed uptimes for your security systems.  Without a maintenance agreement, the only protection you’ll have is the warranty from the security system’s manufacturer(s).

Get Reliable Security in Houston from Professional Guard and Patrol

Professional Guard and Patrol are among Houston’s top security companies.  From security cameras to on-premises patrols, contact us!