4 Things Every Daily Activity Report Needs to Include
A daily activity report is one of the most crucial aspects of a security guard company. These daily activity reports hold your security guard accountable while also providing key information. They’ll often include a variety of items and tasks that are necessities for a security company.
Here are the top four things that a good daily activity report from your Houston Security service must always include.
- Date of the Report
Each daily activity report needs to include the actual date. Timestamped reports are also helpful and can be used as evidence in court. Always including the exact location, time, and date are all key elements of a daily activity report.
- Shift Notes
Shift notes are also an important part of a daily activity report. These shift notes can include a variety of items, such as any special instructions or tasks that a security guard performs on the job. Keeping detailed notes should always be a top priority for any security company.
- Images & Videos
The latest advances in technology have made paper reports obsolete and have replaced everything with mobile patrol apps. These apps allow security guards to take photos and record video or audio files that are always timestamped. All this information is valuable, especially in the court of law. Each security guard is trained on how to document and the best way to use these items.
- Real-Time Progress
The task of a security guard isn’t only to provide safety but also includes a variety of assignments. A mobile patrol app gives a security guard an opportunity to detail various reports or additional progress made on-site. Real-time progress gives a security company valuable information to certify a security guard is always performing his or her duties.
Contact our team for Houston security services today!
Professional Guard & Patrol is one of the leading security services in Houston, TX. Our experienced professionals have over 75 years of combined experience in the industry. We offer a wide variety of services, whether you need armed or unarmed guards, alarm response service, patrol services, or temporary services. We also have in-house dispatchers that are available around the clock.
To learn more about our Houston security services, call (281) 448-4900 today or contact us online.