Security Guard Services vs. Bodyguards – What's the Difference? | Professional Guard & Patrol, INC

Security Guard Services vs. Bodyguards – What’s the Difference?

Knowing the difference between bodyguards and security guard services is important if you are considering either one of these options. Both of these services offer protection services, and they can help deter crime. Learning about the differences between these services can help you determine which is the best choice to meet your needs.

What is the Role of a Security Guard?

A security guard will protect your property, whether it’s a business, bank, airport, or any other place. Security guards will also keep an eye on your customers and employees. The duties of a security guard can be wide-ranging, whether they are patrolling a parking lot, responding to alarms, or monitoring surveillance systems.

What is the Role of a Bodyguard?

The main objective of a bodyguard is to provide protective services for individuals or a group of people. In other words, a bodyguard is similar to a security guard, except they are focused on an individual or group instead of a particular location. Bodyguards can also have many different names, whether it’s close protection officers, executive protection, or VIP protection.

Who Needs Bodyguard Services?

Using bodyguard services is often recommended for high net-worth individuals, politicians, celebrities, musicians, or movie stars. Hiring a bodyguard is also recommended if you have ever received any threats. A bodyguard can also perform other duties, whether it’s planning travel routes, creating contingency plans, or analyzing potential threats.

Reasons to Consider Security Guard Services

Comparing all of your options ahead of time is important in finding the best security service to meet your needs. Hiring a security guard for your event or business is often a great choice that offers many benefits. These advantages include deterring criminal activity, improving customer service, and it helps to create a safer environment. Investing in unarmed security guards is a great way to give everyone greater peace of mind.

Need Security Guard Services? Contact PGP Security

PGP Security specializes in security guard services throughout the Houston area. Our team has years of experience in working with a wide range of clients. We also provide many services, whether you need armed or unarmed security guards, alarm response, temporary services, or patrol services. We are also happy to answer all of your questions and discuss the many benefits of working with our security team.

Contact PGP Security to learn more about using our services!