How to Spot a Slapdash Security Company | PGP | Professional Guard & Patrol, INC

How to Spot Unprofessional Houston Security Companies

security tips for companies

Marshall at sports event looks over proceedings

Unfortunately, not every Houston security company out there has the experience and resources necessary to provide outstanding service. But how can you tell who the leaders are? Professional Guard & Patrol, Inc. (PGP) have been in the industry for a few decades now and they’ve learned a thing or two about how to determine the best from the rest.  

They’ve shared some of their insight with you, so you can choose from among the best security companies in Houston, TX when hiring a guard patrol.

5 Ways to Spot a ShoddySecurity Company

1.  Unprofessional Appearance

First impressions mean everything, especially when it comes to hiring a security guard service. If you interview a potential security company and you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of their staff, or security guard personnel, don’t hire them. A company that’s professional will dress the part.

2. Superficial Background Checks

Your security team will bear an extremely large level of trust and responsibility, so there should be a thorough background check done on every individual coming onto guard duty on your premises. When interviewing potential Houston security companies, always make sure everyone on their staff has undergone a complete criminal background check and can provide solid personal references.

3. Outdated Equipment & Technology

Security personnel have to be able to act on a dime and need reliable equipment at their fingertips. That’s why hiring a firm that employs cutting-edge security equipment and technology is essential. Your security team can’t afford to lose contact or have things freeze up on them in an emergency, so always hire a company that’s committed to staying up-to-date.

4. Bad Ratings

Many reliable firms will be only too proud to display their scores with licensing and certification agencies, or their Better Business Bureau score. However, if a company is evasive when you ask to see some of their ratings, it’s likely because they’ve got something to hide. Never hire a firm that has a history of low-performance.

5. Lack of Referrals

If you ask around and none of your colleagues, clients or competition has heard of the security firm you intend to hire, it should be a red flag. Reputation is key in the private security industry, so don’t hire a firm unless they can provide extensive references and proof of referrals.

PGP is one of Houston’s leading security companies!

When you want to hire a security firm that can provide you with a comprehensive plan, Professional Guard & Patrol, Inc. is your best bet. Call our staff today to learn more about how we can secure your property.